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Jquery append when option from dropdown list clicked

Why doesn't this work?

     $('#custom_field option').click(function(){
        $('#custom_field_input td:last').append($(this).find(":selected").text());

I found out that there is a .change function for this and it works but does not relate to me as i need to have the text appended even if there is no change in the value of the select dropdown.


User clicks on option1, appends option1 text.

User clicks on option 1 again, another option 1 text gets appended.

Make the custon_field_input element on click of custom_field_opotion as empty with following code :

 $('#custom_field option').click(function(){
    $('#custom_field_input td:last').append($(this).find(":selected").text());
    $('#custom_field_input td:last').append($(this).val());

this should work in your case as well


     $('#custom_field option').click(function(){
     $('#custom_field_input td:last').append($(this).find(":selected").text());

You can use blur or focusout events instead of click.

$('#custom_field option').focusout(function(){

$('#custom_field option').blur(function(){

Try This.

jQuery(function () {
    jQuery('#custom_field').click(function () {
        jQuery("#custom_field_input").val(jQuery("#custom_field_input").val() + jQuery("option:selected", this).text());

Try this: Made 2 changes. Used live incase your selects are getting populated later dynamically. If not use simple .click(). Also instead of .find(":selected"), use .find("option:selected").

 $('#custom_field option').live('click',function(){
    $('#custom_field_input td:last').append($(this).find("option:selected").text());

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