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highcharts IE9 vs IE8

Hi I have built a highchart 2.1.4 graph. the tooltip acts differently in IE9 and IE8.



the code for the tooltip is

formatter: function()

                            return 'Time: ' +Highcharts.dateFormat('%H:%M:%S', this.x) + '<br/>'+
                            '<b>' + titletootip +': ' +this.y +  '</b>'+'<br/>'+
                            'Change: ' +this.point.config[2] ;


how do I fix this?



i have upgraded highcharts to 2.3.1 and also jquery to 1.8.1. Had to fix a small error and now it works in every browser. thanks, guys.

now, I want to make it with colors.. but this is another issue...

You will need to explicitly set tooltip.useHTML to true

As a confirmation try this jsFiddle in both the browsers and check for consistency

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