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how to save a collection of objects to MongoDB with Morphia?

I am currently iterating over a collection of objects and saving them one by one. I suppose there is a way to save the entire collection directly?

Note, I would need to be able to retrieve each individual objects later (not the whole collection).

From the javadoc of the DataStore class. The might not be available on older versions. Even this I think is internally iterating and saving one at a time - but it might get optimized, so it is better to use this than iterate yourself.

<T> Iterable<Key<T>>
save(Iterable<T> entities) 
          Saves the entities (Objects) and updates the @Id field
<T> Iterable<Key<T>>
save(Iterable<T> entities, com.mongodb.WriteConcern wc) 
          Saves the entities (Objects) and updates the @Id field, with the WriteConcern
<T> Iterable<Key<T>>
save(T... entities) 
          Saves the entities (Objects) and updates the @Id field

http://morphia.googlecode.com/svn/site/morphia/apidocs/com/google/code/morphia/Datastore.html#save(java.lang.Iterable )

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