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javascript if statement in for loop not finding ==

I have a for loop and my traces to the console are showing that my variables are correct. epid is determined in another method.

 for (var i=0; i< $('#slideshow > div').length; i++) {
   var divid = $('#slideshow > div').eq(i);
   if ( divid == epid ) {
    alert("equal " + epid);
   } else {

At one point in the loop, the console shows that the element is the same, but the alert doesn't pop up. CONSOLE:

<div style=​"height:​ 100%;​ display:​ none;​ " id=​"ep5">​…​</div>​
<div style=​"height:​ 100%;​ display:​ none;​ " id=​"ep6">​…​</div>​
<div style=​"height:​ 100%;​ display:​ none;​ " id=​"ep6">​…​</div>​
<div style=​"height:​ 100%;​ display:​ none;​ " id=​"ep6">​…​</div>​
<div style=​"height:​ 100%;​ display:​ none;​ " id=​"ep7">​…​</div>​
<div style=​"height:​ 100%;​ display:​ none;​ " id=​"ep6">​…​</div>​

divid is a jQuery object. It will NEVER match another variable unless that variable points at exactly the same jQuery object. == or === compares object references to see if they are exactly the same object. It does not compare the contents of those objects.

If epid is a DOM object and the point of your code is to to compare DOM objects, then you should use .get(i) or [i] instead of .eq(i) for both epid and divid :

var divid = $('#slideshow > div').get(i);

Assuming epid is a DOM object and you're looking for which item in your slideshow matches that object, you can have much more efficient and correct code like this:

var items = $('#slideshow > div');
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
    var divid = items[i];
    if ( divid === epid ) {
        alert("equal " + epid);
    } else {

If, you just want to know what index epid is in the slideshow collection, you don't need a for loop to manually find it - you can do that like this:

var index = $('#slideshow > div').index(epid);

I assume from your code you want to compare the Html of the elements?

 for (var i=0; i< $('#slideshow > div').length; i++) {
   var divid = $('#slideshow > div').eq(i);
   if ( divid.html() == epid.html()) {
    alert("equal " + epid);
   } else {

You are comparing two objects here .. It will only be true if is exactly the same object.. SO instead of == use === . Also lets assume that if each div has an id you can compare the id attribute of it..

for (var i=0; i< $('#slideshow > div').length; i++) {
   var divid = $('#slideshow > div').eq(i);
   var dID = divid.attr('id');
   var eID = epid.attr('id');
   if(dID != ''  && eID != ''){
       if ( dID == eID ) {
          alert("equal " + epid);
       } else {

This will only work if the div already has a ID for it.. Or a class that is specific for each div..

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