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mysql sync two tables from 2 databases

I have a query . I have two tables on two different servers .Both the tables have the same structure . The master table on one server gets updated on a daily basis , so i want a cron job or a php script cron to update the second slave table on a different server . I have seen a lot of scripts but none resolved my requirements .

I can't believe you didn't find a suitable script to do this. Depending on server-to-server bandwidth and connectivity, and table data size, you can:

  • directly transfer the whole table:

     mysqldump [options] sourcedatabase tablename \\ | mysql [options] --host remoteserver --user username ... 
  • transfer the table with MySQL compression

     # same as above, mysql has the "-C" flag 
  • transfer using SSH encryption and compression; mysql is executed remotely

     mysqldump [options] sourcedatabase tablename \\ | ssh -C user@remoteserver 'mysql [options]' 
  • transfer using intermediate SQL file and rsync to transfer only modifications

     mysqldump [options] sourcedb tbl > dump.sql rsync [-z] dump.sql user@remoteserver:/path/to/remote/dump.sql ssh user@remoteserver "mysql [options] < /path/to/remote/dump.sql" 

The above are all simple table overwrites, remote data is LOST and replaced by the master copy. The mysqldump-plus-rsync-plus-ssh runs in a time roughly proportional to modifications, which means that if you have a 10-GB SQL dump and add a dozen INSERTS, the transfer stage will need at most a couple seconds to synchronize the two SQL files.

To optimize the insert stage too, either you go for full MySQL replication, or you will need a way to identify operations on the table in order to replicate them manually at sync time. This may require alterations to the table structure, eg adding "last-synced-on" and "needs-deleting" columns, or even introduction of ancillary tables.

You can use one simple solution - Data Synchronization tool in dbForge Studio for MySQL .

  1. Create Data Comparison project that would compare and synchronize two tables on two different MySQL servers.
  2. Run application in command line mode using created Data Comparison project document (*.dcomp file).

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