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Rails3.2 option chooser in form

I'm new to Rails and I have a big problem with an option chooser. The user can choose per checkbox, if he wants to use a selectbox or a text_field. The jquerycode does his job by showing or hiding the div. But when i submit the form, :task_name gets always the value of the task_new div but never the one of the task_use . What I'm doing wrong?

Is there a way for hiding/showing the div via rails function? Maybe i set up some tmp variables and give :task_name the value?! How can this be done?

Update: I tried the trick with the tmp_variables . The get an value but now I stuck, how to set the value of the tmp_variable to :task_name . <% :task_name = @tmp_variable%> doesn't work.

Here's the code (new.html.erb):

 Create new Task :
  <input type="checkbox" value="false" name="check" id="check" checked="false" />

  <div class="task_use" id="task_use" style="display:block;">
    <%= f.fields_for :task do |t|%>  
    <%= t.select :task_name, Task.all.collect {|n|[n.task_name]}%>
  <div class="task_new" id="task_new" style="display:none;">
    <%= f.fields_for :task do |t|%>
    <%= t.label :task_name %><br />
    <%= t.text_field :task_name %>
  <div class="actions">
    <%= f.submit %>
  <% end %>


   $(document).ready(function() {
   $("#check").change(function () {
   if ($('#check').checked == false) {

   } else {

For Rails it does not matter which div is shown or hidden. Both code fragments will be evaluated. The second fragment thus simply overwrites any values set for task_name.

You could use two seperate forms and toggle between those but i suppose you have more fields than those listed above which you do not want to toggle :)

Maybe you could try and replace the actual task_name DOM element (somwhat a "real" toggle) and at the same time copy the values as this guy did but it sounds quite complicated :(

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