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Rendering Handlebars template with Backbone

I have a Backbone view (see below) that I believe to be doing the right thing

Index = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
        var activities = new Activities();
        var tpl = Handlebars.compile($("#activities-template").html());
        $(this.el).html(tpl({activities: activities.toJSON()}));
        return this;

If execute each line in the render() function with Chrome JS console I get the expected result with the element I pass in getting populated with the template output. However, when I run this using the following

var i = new Index({el: $("body")})

"i.$el" is completely empty--the HTML is not getting rendered like it does in console. Any ideas why?

fetch is an AJAX call so there's no guarantee that activities.toJSON() will give you any data when you do this:

var tpl = Handlebars.compile($("#activities-template").html());
$(this.el).html(tpl({activities: activities.toJSON()}));

Executing the code in the console probably gives the AJAX call time to return with something before you try to use activities .

You should do two things:

  1. Fix your template to do something sensible (such as show a loading... message of some sort) if activities is empty.
  2. Attach your view's render to the collection's "reset" event:

     initialize: function() { // Or, more commonly, create the collection outside the view // and say `new View({ collection: ... })` this.collection = new Activities(); this.collection.on('reset', this.render, this); this.collection.fetch(); }, render: function() { var tpl = Handlebars.compile($("#activities-template").html()); this.$el.html(tpl({activities: this.collection.toJSON()})); return this; } 

I also switched to this.$el , there's no need to $(this.el) when Backbone already gives you this.$el .

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