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How do I create a named log in $TOMCAT_HOME/logs for my servlet?

I'm currently logging via the simplest of methods within my servlet using Tomcat. I use the ServletConfig.getServletContext().log to record activity. This writes to the localhost.YYYY-MM-DD.log in $TOMCAT_HOME/logs.

I don't want to get away from the simplicity of this logging mechanism unless absolutely necessary. But I would like to name my log file. Rather than "localhost".YYYY-MM-DD.log, is there a way to have it write to "myAppName".YYYY-MM-DD.log. I know I could create my own mechanism, but again, I looking for simplicity here.

I'm hoping to stay away from a complete framework like Log4j.

For Tomcat 6.x, you can change the logging configuration in conf/logging.properties.

But I prefer a separate configuration with Log4j...

So there is a way via the $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/logging.properties without touching my servlet code...


handlers = 1catalina.org.apache.juli.FileHandler, 2localhost.org.apache.juli.FileHandler, 3manager.org.apache.juli.FileHandler, 4admin.org.apache.juli.FileHandler, 5host-manager.org.apache.juli.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler


handlers = 1catalina.org.apache.juli.FileHandler, 2localhost.org.apache.juli.FileHandler, 3manager.org.apache.juli.FileHandler, 4admin.org.apache.juli.FileHandler, 5host-manager.org.apache.juli.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler, 6localhost.org.apache.juli.FileHandler

then add...

6localhost.org.apache.juli.FileHandler.level = FINE
6localhost.org.apache.juli.FileHandler.directory = ${catalina.base}/logs
6localhost.org.apache.juli.FileHandler.prefix = myAppName.

and add...

org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/myAppName].level = INFO
org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/myAppName].handlers = 6localhost.org.apache.juli.FileHandler

and bounce tomcat. This created a $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/myAppName.2008-10-14.log with my simplistic ServletConfig.getServletContext().log() messages only.

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