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How to create cookie in jQuery modal?

I try to create a page with jquery modal and cookie. The modal work well but I have a problem to set cookie in it. I'd like to achieve the following:

  • On homepage load, display modal box (popup)
  • Popup close when close button is clicked and when user return the page, the modal box will not show.
  • Popup will show again after 7 days.

Please advice!

        // Close modal when click on close button 

       return method;

        // querying the document

        if (document.cookie.indexOf('$close.click=true') == -1){
            var sevenDays = 1000*60*60*24*7;
            var expires = new Date((new Date()).valueOf() + sevenDays);
            document.cookie = "$close.click=true;expires=" +  expires.toUTCString();

            // Append data via Ajax
            $.get('url', function(data){
                modal.open({content: data});


when i should work with cookie i use this plugin https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie

You can use following structure of model

var modal = (function(){
        method = {},

        // Center the modal in the viewport
        method.setPosition = function () {
            // Set Postion

        // Open the modal, reveal overlay 
        method.open = function (settings) {
                // We dont need show popup
                // Open Modal               
                $.cookie('NameOfCookie', 'created', { expires: 7 });

        // Close the modal and overlay, then unbind the resize event when modal is closed
        method.close = function () { 
            // Close Modal

            // Generate the HTML and add it to the document


        // Open popup window

   return method;

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