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vim command to map keys to command that maps keys

Background: I'm using this mapping map ,r :! bundle exec ruby %<CR> map ,r :! bundle exec ruby %<CR> all the time to easily run test file I'm currently editing. However I also do:

map ,t :! bundle exec ruby test/integration/some_integration_test.rb<CR>

so that I can run this particular integration test with two key strokes while working on some other file . It has hard-coded path, when I move to some other area of the application I type above command with another integration test file path.

How to make a command that creates such mapping automatically?

map ,T :map ,t :! bundle exec ruby %<CR> map ,T :map ,t :! bundle exec ruby %<CR> won't work because it doesn't expand % while creating the mapping, so ,t will always run current file (while I want it to run file I was editing at the time of creating the mapping).

[EDIT]: Slightly adjusted solution from the answer:

nnoremap ,r :! bundle exec ruby %<CR>
nnoremap ,T :let g:testfile = expand('%:p')
nnoremap ,t :! bundle exec ruby <C-r><C-r>=g:testfile<CR><CR>
  • ,r always runs file under cursor
  • ,T saves current file path under in a variable for running later
  • ,t runs file path stored previously

Just save the current file name (best with a full absolute path to be immune against changes to the current directory; the :p modifier does that) in a variable, and insert the variable instead of % via <Cr> :

:noremap ,r :let g:testfile = expand('%:p')<Bar>! bundle exec ruby %<CR>
:noremap ,t :! bundle exec ruby <C-r><C-r>=g:testfile<CR><CR>

PS: I used :noremap , because that is generally safer and should be the first choice unless you really need remapping to occur.

execute ":nnoremap ,t :! bundle exec ruby ".shellescape(expand('%:p'))."<CR>"

creates a ,t mapping that will execute your test on what is the current file at the time of execution.

But each time you do that you'll lose the previous ,t . I'm not sure that's what you want to do.

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