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DynamicReports with JSF 2 and PrimeFaces

I'm working on project that needs to integrate DynamicReport with PrimeFaces.
My Question : Is there any way to show the report inside PrimeFace Panel not opened in new page.

If possible , Please full example to do that,

Thank you

Here is a example:

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
                .columns(stateColumn, statePorc)
        InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
        barStream = new DefaultStreamedContent(inputStream, "application/pdf", "example.pdf");
    } catch (DRException e) {

And here is the view:

<p:dialog resizable="false" closeOnEscape="false" draggable="false" appendTo="@(body)" modal="true" id="pdfViewer" widgetVar="pdfModal" width="1220px" height="730px" style="z-index: 999;">
                <p:media cache="false" value="#{yourBean.barStream}" width="100%" height="720px" player="pdf"/>

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