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zf2 \Zend\Db\Sql\Sql using predicate in where condition

i really don't get the point how to use predicates in zend framework 2.

this is what i got:

            ,'minValue' => new Expression('min(ValueColumn)')))

this is working fine

now i want to apply somethin like that:

$predicate = new Zend\Db\Sql\Predicate\Predicate();

this is what i tried, it throws no error, but it is not working :-(

This is what i expect as SQL:

select GroupedColum
    , min(ValueColumn) as minValue
from ValueTable
where filterColumn > 20
group by GroupedColum
order by minValue
limit 10;

I've solved the problem by viewing the source code of zf2

If you know how to do it, it is really easy, the code above was almost right!

Instead of

$predicate = new Zend\Db\Sql\Predicate\Predicate();

you have to use

$predicate = new  \Zend\Db\Sql\Where();

it is an empty derived class, that is used in Zend\\Db\\Sql\\Sql

this is the complete working example:

        ,'minValue' => new Expression('min(ValueColumn)')))
$predicate = new  \Zend\Db\Sql\Where();

A bit late but you can also accomplish this by doing

    ,'minValue' => new Expression('min(ValueColumn)')))
    ->greaterThan('filterColumn', '20');

The __get magic method of \\Zend\\Db\\Sql\\Select has a case for where which returns the current where() predicate, which allows you to do more complex things such as

    ->greaterThan('filterColumn', '20')
    ->greaterThan('filterColumn', '30');


$predicate = new  \Zend\Db\Sql\Where();
$sql->where($predicate->greaterThan('filterColumn', '20'));
$sql->where($predicate->greaterThan('filterColumn', '30'), 'OR');

For a list of all predicates available in ZF 2 (2.1.0) from the Where predicate see:

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