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Android configuration/Properties file for version Name/Code

What I would like to do is create a configuration/properties/xml file in an Eclipse project that can specify project settings.

The context is that I have one application meant for 2 users. But they need to have different version and build numbers and some other parameters specific for that user. What I would like is to have two configuration files, and then be able to specify Configuration file 1 or 2. The tricky part is that Version Code/name are specified in the android Manifest.

How is the best way to go about doing this?


  1. Specify in one part of code which configuration/properties file to use. (ie: Config 1 or 2)
  2. Android Manifest is able to reference this file for Version Code and Version Name.
  3. I can dynamically reference elements of this file in my code.

So I found a good way to do this. I simply made a "configuration" xml file that has a bunch of resources in it.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <integer name="version_code">6</integer>
    <string name="build_version">1.5</string>
        <string name="app_LOGO"> "R.drawable.my_logo"</string>

then in my manifest I have


and then I made a configuration class.

public class Configuration {

    private int LOGO = 0;

    public Configuration(Context cont){

        String myResourceId = cont.getResources().getString(R.string.app_LOGO);
        String[] resourceParts = myResourceId.split("\\.");
        String packName = cont.getPackageName();
        int logo = cont.getResources().getIdentifier(resourceParts[2],               resourceParts[1], packName);

     * @return the logo
    public int getLogo() {
        return LOGO;
     * set the Logo
    public void setLogo(int logo) {
        LOGO = logo;

Where I just call the Configuration class with the context of my activity passed into the constructor inside of my activities onCreate Method. Works like a charm.

Hopefully this helps someone


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