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Stackpanel/Itemscontrol Databinding

I have this XAML:

 <ItemsControl x:Name="recentSearches"
                         <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" />
                         <TextBlock Text="{Binding q}"
                                FontSize="20" />

and this code behind:

private void showLatestSearches()
            if (fmn.checkLatestSearchesExtistence())
                List<RecentSearchItem> recent = new List<RecentSearchItem>();
                List<String> l = fmn.readLatestSearches();
                for (int i = 0; i <= l.Count-1; i += 1)
                    RecentSearchItem r = new RecentSearchItem();
                    r.q = l[i];
                    r.generalbg = grau;
                recentSearches.DataContext = recent;

the object called fmn reads a .txt from the isolated storage. But why doesn't anything show up with this StackPanel?

ItemsControl.ItemsSource has to be bound to a collection, for notifications the best would be ObservableCollection<T> .

You are setting the DataContext at the last possible minute, a better way would be to set DataContext to a ViewModel, could be place where you create your View.

public class Form :UserControl
  DataContext = new YourViewModel() ;


ItemsSource="{Binding SearchesCollection}"

SearchesCollection would be a property in YourViewModel of type ObservableCollection<string> . Whenever you add a new item to SearchesCollection the View updates.

This Databinding Tutorial should help.

Thanks to Lews Therin I managed to finally bind my data to the stackpanel:

<ItemsControl x:Name="recentSearches"
              ItemsSource="{Binding recent}"
              Background="{Binding generalbg}"
              Margin="0,65,0,0" Tap="recentSearches_Tap">
                                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding q}"
                                               Foreground="{Binding foreground}"
                                               FontSize="20" />

and the code behind:

private void showLatestSearches()
    if (fmn.checkLatestSearchesExtistence())
        List<RecentSearchItem> recent = new List<RecentSearchItem>();
        List<String> l = fmn.readLatestSearches();
        for (int i = 0; i <= l.Count-1; i += 1)
            RecentSearchItem r = new RecentSearchItem();
            r.q = l[i];
            r.generalbg = grau;
            r.foreground = blau;
        recentSearches.ItemsSource = recent;

this works, but unfortunately there seems to be no way to determine, which TextBox is tapped, when one is tapped.

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