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PHP: access multidimensional session array

I want to implement the shopping cart by using multidimensional session array but don't know how to access them. For example,

  • case1: user add one item to the cart with name "x" and size"m". then add again with name "x" and size"m"

line1: pname"x" size"m" quantity"2"

  • case2: when user add one item to the cart with name "x" and size"m". then the user add another item to the cart with name "x" but size"s".

How can I manipulate it as 2 line of order?

line1: pname"x" size"m" quantity"1"
line2: pname"x" size"s" quantity"1"

     if (!isset($_SESSION['order'])) {
         $_SESSION['order'] = array();  
     $_SESSION['order'][] = array('id'=>$pID, 'size'=>$size, 'quantity'=>0);

   switch ($action) {
    case "add":

    case "remove":

    case "empty":

Your session will get an element every time you call [] . Add $pID as variable id:

Change to:

if (!isset($_SESSION['order'])) {
    $_SESSION['order'] = array();  
$_SESSION['order'][$pID.'-'.$size] = array('quantity'=>0);

switch ($action) {
    case "add":

    case "remove":

    case "empty":
        // unset($_SESSION['cart']);

You can later access that product with $_SESSION['order'][$pID.'-'.$size]

To access them:

foreach($_SESSION['order'] as $key => $one){
    list($pid, $size) = explode('-', $key);

i would suggest you to use objects instead of array for this. Using arrays will create a kind of complication and make your code less readable and more complex; I would suggest you to use an object oriented approach.

just create two classes:

    class ShoppingCart {

    private $items;

    public function getItems(){

     return $this->items;

    public function addItem($item){

       $this->items[] = $item;

class Item {

private $name;
private $size;

public function getName() { return $this->name;}
public function getSize() { return $this->siez; }
public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; }
public function setSize($size) { $this->size = $size; }

Now you can add items to the cart like this:

$cart = new ShoppingCart();

$item1 = new Item();

$item2 = new Item();


Did you see, this code is readable and can be easy understood.

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