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Implementing snippets in a textarea

I'm trying to implement snippets into an html textarea. You write a certain word and it will look through key value object and expand the text if it exists. Here is what I have done:

var textarea = document.getElementById("whatever");
var snippets = {
    'hello': 'Hello and welcome to my great site'
var prepend = "";

var checkCaps = function(e){
  if (e.keyCode != 9) return;
  var string = "";
  var pos = textarea.selectionStart;
  var text = textarea.value.split("");
  while (pos) {
    char = text.pop(pos);
    prepend =  (char == " ") ? " ": ""; 
    if (char == " ") break;
    string += char 
    pos -= 1;
  if (snippets[string.reverse()]) {
      textarea.value = text.join("")
      textarea.value += prepend + snippets[string.reverse()]

textarea.addEventListener("keydown", checkCaps, false);

String.prototype.reverse=function(){return this.split("").reverse().join("");}


The problem is that the snippet only works in the last word of the textarea's value , and I can't seem to pinpoint where the problem is.

Array.pop doesn't accept a parameter. It removes and returns the last item from the array. Use splice to remove an item at a particular index.

I modified your function as follows and it seems to have the desired behavior:

var checkCaps = function(e){
  if (e.keyCode != 9) return;
  var string = "";
  var pos = textarea.selectionStart;
  var text = textarea.value.split("");
  while (pos) {
    char = text.splice(pos-1,1);
    prepend =  (char == " ") ? " ": ""; 
    if (char == " ") break;
    string += char 
    pos -= 1;
  if (snippets[string.reverse()]) {
      var start = text.splice(0, pos);
      var end = text.splice(pos + string.length);

      textarea.value = start.join("") + snippets[string.reverse()] + prepend + text.join("") + end.join("");


Also, you'll probably want to check for new line characters as well:

while (pos) {
    char = text.splice(pos-1,1);

      if (char == " " || char == "\n") {
          prepend = char;
    string += char 
    pos -= 1;


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