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asp.net mvc 3 access DateTime model property in javascript

In Asp.Net MVC I have a model containing a property of type DateTime .

How can I access it in JavaScript?

Using @(Model.PrimitiveTypeProperty) works just fine, but not when it comes to a property of DateTime .

The problem is more complex, but I need to at least have an alter with this value.
Is it possible?

You can put it in a hidden for example:

 @Html.HiddenFor(model => model.YourDate)

And then access it from javascript. After you modify it's value, on submit, you should get the value updated back to your controller.

And don't forget to put in in a form like:

@using (Html.BeginForm())

From your model you should have the DateTime property.

public class YourModel {

   public DateTime YourDateField { get; set; }


Then in your View you could do:

@Html.LabelFor(m => m.YourDateField);

Accessing it using JavaScript/jQuery :

$(document).ready(function() {
   var d = $("#YourDateField").val(); 

  $("#YourDateField").val = "01/01/2000"; // sets the date which will then be posted back to the model on the form submit. 

This will alert the date value from your model.

 $("#YourDateField").val = "01/01/2000"; 

Changes the date client side. If yor View has a Form element, when it is submitted back to the server the value passed back will reflect the change (01/01/2000).

如果您希望将DateTime属性基本上转换为JS Date ,您可以尝试以下方法:

var jsDate = Date.parse('@Model.EndDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("r")');

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