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Redirect user to homepage on successful login Dojo

I'm struggling to redirect a user after their login request to the server is successful. The response from the server is successful and I am able to display the values in alert boxes but I don't get redirected to a different page.

Here is the code I am using


    require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/on", "dojo/request", "dojo/dom-form", "dojo/domReady!", "dojo/json"],

        function(dom, on, request, domForm, JSON, cookie){

            var resultDiv = dom.byId("resultDiv");

            on(dom.byId("signinButton"), "click", function(evt){

                var emailAddressVar = document.getElementById('emailInput');
                var passwordVar = document.getElementById('passwordInput');

                if(emailAddressVar != "" && passwordVar != ""){
                        data: {

                        var jsonResponse = "(" + response + ")";
                        var jsonObject = eval(jsonResponse);

                        for(var value in jsonObject){

                        alert( "Your username is: " + jsonObject.username);

                        if(jsonObject.successful == "true"){
                            window.location = "http://www.mysite.com";
                        }else if(jsonObject.successful == "false"){
                            resultDiv.innerHTML = "<div class=\"info-box\"> <p> The Email or Password you entered was incorrect. </p><p> <a href=\"sign-up.html\">Register</a> to get an account. </p> <div>";

                        resultDiv.innerHTML = "<div class=\"error\">" + response + "<div>";
                    resultDiv.innerHTML = "<div class=\"info-box\"> <p> Please Fill Out All The Required Fields </p> <div>";


True & false are not strings. Try this:

if(jsonObject.successful == true)
    window.location = "http://www.mysite.com";
    resultDiv.innerHTML = "<div class=\"info-box\"> <p> The Email or Password you entered was incorrect. </p><p> <a href=\"sign-up.html\">Register</a> to get an account. </p> <div>";

Failing that, do alert(jsonObject.successful + ' = ' + typeof(jsonObject.successful))

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