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Strange changing background color in VIM solarized

I don't know exactly how to describe this issue, but when using solarized colorscheme theme in terminal vim, I'm noticing that when I edit some text various ends of lines (not "line-endings" but from the last letter to the end of the buffer) will be somewhat highlighted. Once I move for example using <Ce> , or <Cy> , the weird highlighting fixes itself and becomes the background color.

Ideally I'd like to fix this and just have my background always be the background-color. But any insight as to what's going on/ being highlighted would be highly appreciated.


after having just edited text 奇怪的突出显示 after pressing <Ce> 在此输入图像描述

如此处所述 ,通过清除t_ut终端选项禁用背景颜色擦除 (BCE)(运行:set t_ut=在Vim中:set t_ut=然后按Control + L刷新终端的显示),以便在tmux内部使用Vim时颜色方案正常工作GNU屏幕。

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