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Save text from C# textbox to txt file. (Creating a new txt file everytime without same name of files)

I would like to get the text from the textbox of my C# application into a .txt file. The issue I have is that the current saved file will overwrite the previously saved file. My current code is:

string log = @"C:\log.txt";     
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(log, FileMode.Create)) {
    using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs)) {
         foreach(string line in Textbox1.Lines)
             sw.Write(line + sw.NewLine);

Is it possible to save the txt file but without it overwriting the previously saved file? Can someone help me with this.. Thanks

Try this

string log = @"C:\log"+ DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy hh-mm-ss") +".txt";

Just add a time stamp to the file name

I belive you are talking about appending the lines:

using(FileStream fs = new FileStream(log, FileMode.Append)) {

If you want to write to the same file you could use FileMode.Append:

FileStream fs = new FileStream(log, FileMode.Append)

Take care if you're in a threaded environment (ie. asp.net which I suspect since you're talking about downloads), regarding file locks and such


string log = @"C:\log"+ DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfffffff")+".txt";

this gives precision up to ten millionths of a second

This should help:

string log = @"C:\log.txt";     

int intCounter = 0;
  log = @"C:\log"+ intCounter.ToString() +".txt";    


string log = @"C:\\log"+ new Guid().ToString("N") +".txt";

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