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IIS 7.5 Windows integrated authentication confusion

How is this possible to display NTLM and Kerberos AuthenticationType when executing this code when debugging in VS2010:

IIdentity WinId = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
WindowsIdentity currentIdentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();

lblUserName.Text ="User NAme: " + WinId.Name;
lblIsAuthenticated.Text = "Is Authenticated: " + WinId.IsAuthenticated.ToString();
lbluthentiationType.Text = "Authetication type: " + WinId.AuthenticationType;
lblAuthenticationType2.Text = "Authentication Type: " + currentIdentity.AuthenticationType; 

When I look in local server it shows Negotiate on both lblAuthenticatinType and lblAuthenticatinType2


I am only able to see authenticated users when accessing the web server by IP ( and 401.1 when accessig by servername:1111 and servername.domain.com:1111

I don't know where to bit this. I have enabled authentication in web.config as follows

<authentication mode="Windows">
    <!--<identity impersonate="true" userName="<domain>\<UserName>" password="<password>"/>-->
    <!--<allow users="domain\user.name" /><allow roles="domain\Users" />-->
    <allow users="?" />    

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