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Apache - Configuring multiple websites accessed by same IP but different ports

I have done this in IIS7.5 with ease.

Say I have a domain mbdev.myftp.biz.

On IIS I have setup sites but each one has a different port.



The only thing that is different is the port for the site. Those above URL's got to actual sites on the IIS box.

How can I accomplish the same thing with APACHE? Having the site be on a specific port?

For Example:


Apache accomplishes this through the VirtualHost directive. Documentation for version 2.4 can be found on http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/vhosts/index.html and more specifically the configuration directive http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#virtualhost

An example virtualhost config directive pulled from the link above:

  ServerAdmin webmaster@host.example.com
  DocumentRoot /www/docs/host.example.com
  ServerName host.example.com
  ErrorLog logs/host.example.com-error_log
  TransferLog logs/host.example.com-access_log

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