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Chrome not working for window.open?

I am trying to show a download pop up to the user which is an ajax call giving text/csv formatted response.

The issue: it's working well in Firefox but not in Chrome, where it's opening a new tab. This is definitely unintended, and I would prefer it didn't happen. Any ideas on what I could change...?

function x() {

  var obj = jQuery("input:checked").map(function() 
    return jQuery(this).parents('tr').attr('id'); 

  var result = null;
  var arr = jQuery.makeArray(obj);
  var data = arr.join(',');

    url : '<%= url_for :controller => "liges", :action => "export_to_csv" %>',
    type : 'POST',
    data : {data:data},
    dataType : 'string',
    async: false,
    success : function(response) { 

Try this:


By the way chrome will block popup windows on page, until you give him access.

You need to pass _blank as another parameter:

From MDN :

To open a new window on every call of window.open() , use the special value _blank for strWindowName .


window.open('data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,'+escape(response), '_blank'); 

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