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Why is an address of an int able to be treated as a pointer to an int?

I'm very confused why this code works. I was taught that a pointer was a "capsule" holding the address of something. So the swapnum function should be expecting one of those "capsules", not the actual address of the int. Is it creating a temporary pointer and setting it to that address? If that's the case, then what would be happening if I passed a pointer in by reference such as int * c = &a; swapnum (&c... ?

#include <stdio.h>

void swapnum(int *i, int *j) {
  int temp = *i;
  *i = *j;
  *j = temp;

int main(void) {
  int a = 10;
  int b = 20;

  swapnum(&a, &b);
  printf("A is %d and B is %d\n", a, b);
  return 0;

pointer is just another word for address. There's nothing really magic about it, it is just a variable that contains a number, that number being the memory address of the thing it points to.

In your example, memory might look like this:

0x00001004 - 10         # a
0x00001008 - 20         # b
0x0000100C - 0x0001004  # i
0x00001010 - 0x0001008  # j
0x00001014 - 00         # temp

i and j are both int* which means they contain an address that contains an integar. The code *i says "return whatever value is at the address in i and assume it is an int .

So if you look at your swapnum , here's what happens:

int temp = *i;
# take the value at 0x0001004 (10) and place it in 0x00001014

*i = *j;
# place the value at 0x0001008 (20) and place it in 0x00001004

*j = temp;
# place the value at 0x0001014 (10) and place it in 0x0001008

After which memory looks like this:

0x00001004 - 20         # a
0x00001008 - 10         # b
0x0000100C - 0x0001004  # i
0x00001010 - 0x0001008  # j
0x00001014 - 10         # temp

You could certainly do this:

int* c = &a;
swapnum(c, &b);

All you are doing is getting the address of a , putting it in c and then passing it into swapnum , which expects an address. A pointer is just an address.

The address of an object is a pointer to the object! That's really all there is to pointers, actually: they now at which address an object lives. The whole point of using addresses instead of objects is that using addresses you have the same object.

&item returns a pointer to item .

Also, on all modern architectures I know of a pointer is simply the address of the item.

If you make a pointer to a pointer and pass it to swapnum one of two things will happen:

  1. Your compiler will complain because the pointer is of type int* , not int
  2. You will swap the values of the pointers. At least if a pointer is the same size as an integer

In main you're using the address-of & operator to pass to swapnum the addresses of a and b .

The value of a pointer actually is an address. There's no "capsule" at all! (Maybe, it's even easier to think of them as plain addresses without capsules!).

If you did int *c = &a you could pass c to swapnum() instead of &a and it would work just fine. You can't pass &c because you'd be passing an int ** , while the function is expecting an int * .

&a is an expression which is evaluated as the a's address in memory. This value must be stored in a variable of type pointer. For example:

int* i = &a;

Here, i is a variable of type int pointer which acts as a container, a capsule, for the value assigned to it. However, this capsule doesn't keep the a value itself; it keeps the &a value. Also, being a capsule is a direct result of being a variable in general; not necessarily because of being a variable of pointer type.

Now, this statement:

swapnum(&a, &b);

does a very normal job of coping the arguments into some local variables - a normal pass-by-value function call. In this case, what actually happens is it copies the &a value, ie the a's address, into a local variable i , which of course, is required to be defined of type int pointer .

if you defined:

int * c = &a; 

and then call:

swapnum (&c...

that wouldn't work because c would be a variable of type int pointer ; &c , then, would be the address of such a variable; Therefore, the local variable type i which would contain this address should have been defined as a container for such type of value; ie it should have been defined as a variable of type pointer to the address of an int pointer or int **

Such a function call without changing the function correspondingly would certainly result in a compiler time error.

C++ is a statically typed language. It means that every expression has one specific type known compile-time. The C++ standard tells us that if the expression expr is of built-in type T then the expression &expr is of type T* (pointer to T). That's all...

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