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Maven 3 build-extension & IntelliJ Idea

I came across the notorius situation of jar-references, which are not available through any public repositories. And I am trying this solution: by Brett Porter 28/Mar/11 9:00 AM

So I checked out http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/sandbox/trunk/examples/extensions/bundled-repository-extension , built it with IDEA and put resulting bundled-repository-extension-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar directly into C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\apache-maven-3.0.4\\lib\\ext

Now I am trying to use it like shown here . But IntelliJ IDEA is always highlighting in red that it can't find this build extesnion:


How can I help it find the build extension?

This extension is not found on maven central either. Possible resolutions:

  • locate remote repository hosting necessary snapshot and enable it insettings.xml
  • install this extension into your local repository manually
  • set up your own repository server ( sonatype nexus is good choice ) and upload this extenstion there

One it is available for your maven commandline build IDEA will find it.

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