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C# display all files from selected folder

I want to display all the files from a selected folder.. ie files from that folder and files from the subfolders which are in that selected folder.

example -

I have selected D:\\Eg. Now I have some txt and pdf files in that. Also I have subfolders in that which also contain some pdf files. Now I want to display all those files in a data grid.

My code is

public void  selectfolders(string filename)
     FileInfo_Class fclass;
     dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(filename);

     FileInfo[] info = dirInfo.GetFiles("*.*");
     foreach (FileInfo f in info)

        fclass = new FileInfo_Class();
        fclass.Name = f.Name;
        fclass.length = Convert.ToUInt32(f.Length);
        fclass.DirectoryName = f.DirectoryName;
        fclass.FullName = f.FullName;
        fclass.Extension = f.Extension;

     dataGrid1.DataContext = obcinfo;

What to do now?

Just use

FileInfo[] info = dirInfo.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

which will handle the recursion for you.

You should recursively select files from all subfolders.

public void  selectfolders(string filename)
    FileInfo_Class fclass;
    DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(filename);

    FileInfo[] info = dirInfo.GetFiles("*.*");
    foreach (FileInfo f in info)
        fclass = new FileInfo_Class();
        fclass.Name = f.Name;
        fclass.length = Convert.ToUInt32(f.Length);
        fclass.DirectoryName = f.DirectoryName;
        fclass.FullName = f.FullName;
        fclass.Extension = f.Extension;
    DirectoryInfo[] subDirectories = dirInfo.GetDirectories();
    foreach(DirectoryInfo directory in subDirectories)

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