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JSF update primefaces tree children

i want to update the children of the primefaces tree without pulling the whole tree from the server.

I can update the whole tree but not only the children of a specific node ...


This is an example of my code:

<p:tree value="#{cc.tree}" var="wrapper" id="tree" widgetVar="tree" styleClass="commentTree-#{cc.id}">
   <p:treeNode id="treeNode" styleClass="treenode-#{wrapper.id}">
      Hallo: #{wrapper.text}

Now i want to update a specific treenode.

function findIDbySelector(selector) {
    return $(selector).first().attr('id');

function updateComponent(clientID) {
    var ajax_json = {};
    ajax_json['source'] = '#{cc.id}';
    ajax_json['update'] = clientID;




As i said i can update the whole tree but i only want to update a single Treenode.

(The code may contain bugs/typos since it is stripped down)

I crawled a bit through the primefaces sources and saw that they support the loading of the children which is enough for me (i can wrap the contant of the node into a panel and update that and the children).

To update the children i modified the primefaces expandnode method:

function loadNodes(tree, c) {
    var a = tree;
    if (tree.cfg.dynamic) {
        if (tree.cfg.cache && c.children(".ui-treenode-children").children().length > 0) {
        if (c.data("processing")) {
            PrimeFaces.debug("Node is already being expanded, ignoring expand event.");
        c.data("processing", true);
        var b = {
            source: tree.id,
            process: tree.id,
            update: tree.id,
            formId: tree.cfg.formId
        b.onsuccess = function (j) {
            var g = $(j.documentElement),
                h = g.find("update");
            for (var e = 0; e < h.length; e++) {
                var l = h.eq(e),
                    k = l.attr("id"),
                    f = l.text();
                if (k == a.id) {
                } else {
                    PrimeFaces.ajax.AjaxUtils.updateElement.call(tree, k, f)
            PrimeFaces.ajax.AjaxUtils.handleResponse.call(tree, g);
            return true
        b.oncomplete = function () {
        b.params = [{
            name: tree.id + "_expandNode",
            value: a.getRowKey(c)
        if (tree.hasBehavior("expand")) {
            var d = tree.cfg.behaviors.expand;
            d.call(tree, c, b)
        } else {
    } else {

An example call could be:

loadNodes(tree, $('#j_idt62\\:tree\\:0'));

Where tree is the WidgetVar of the p:tree

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