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Passing variable from one function to another function

I am trying to pass a variable from one function to another. I have several other functions that require $member_id which is provided in the first function wordpress_user_id().

function wordpress_user_id() {
    $member_id = get_current_user_id();         
    return $member_id;

I need to use $member_id in this function:

function yif_wlmm_get_wp_user_id() {
    $output = 'Your ID is: ' . $member_id;          
    return $output;

I tried passing $member_id from the first function like this:

function yif_wlmm_get_wp_user_id($member_ID) 


function yif_wlmm_get_wp_user_id( wordpress_user_id() ) 

but neither one works.

yif_wlmm_get_wp_user_id( wordpress_user_id() ) 

does not return $member_id . Do I need to use a global?

To make that code pass anything, you need to do this:

$id = wordpress_user_id();

or, more concise:


Otherwise the functions have nothing to do with each other, even if you name their parameters identically.

Whether a class is the better use or not is impossible to answer without knowing more about how this is used.

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