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jQuery, Get filename without the extension and then replace string

I have this code to get the file extension:

filename1 = "a.crudely_formed.document_name.jpg"         
var fileExtension = filename1.substring(filename1.lastIndexOf('.')); 

Now I need to only get the filename, without the extension. As you can see in the example file names can be wildly named by the users, that's why I have to use the lastIndexOf() method. I've searched for a method of doing this, but I found nothing.

Additionally, when I have the filename (without the extension) I need something similiar to this

$filename = strtolower(str_replace(array('  ', ' '), '-', preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9 s]/', '', trim($filename))));

Above basically means, replace all spaces with dashes and only allow az and AZ characters and all numbers. In the example above for example åöä is replaced by aoa.

Any suggestions on how to do this in jQuery?

Ok, to only get the filename I used this:

var output = filename1.substr(0, filename1.lastIndexOf('.')) || filename1;

To do the replacement of characters I used this:

output = output.replace(/[^a-z0-9\s]/gi, '').replace(/[_\s]/g, '-');

There is a better way to get filename and extension

fileName = 'upload.png';

If you need only filename


If you need only extension


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