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Creating a hash from another hash

I'm currently working with two different hashes that contain common values and I would like to normalize the hash key names.

Hash #1 looks like:

files = [{ "filename" => "file.txt","path" => "/folder/file.txt" }]

While Hash #2 looks like:

files = [{ "file" => "file.txt", "dir" => "/folder/file.txt" }]

Is there a way to loop through hash #2 and create a new hash so the keys are "filename" and "path" instead of "file" and "dir"?

Just replace your key with the new key:

files["path"] = files.delete("dir")

delete returns the value deleted, so you're effectively moving what was at files['dir'] to files['path'] .

There is no magic method in Ruby to automate this process for your two arrays; you'd have to loop over the first one, find the value in the second one, and perform the above delete operation:

files1.each do |key,value|
  if old_key = files2.key(value)
    files2[key] = files2.delete(old_key)

This has the potential to overwrite values if the keys are already taken in the second array. If you're certain that every value in files1 is also in files2 , you can skip the if statement and simply use files2[key] = files2.delete(files2.find(value)) inside the loop.

Try this:

files1.concat(files2.map { |old_hash| 
        "filename" => old_hash["file"], 
        "path" => old_hash["dir"]

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