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sendKeys() in Selenium WebDriver

I am new to Selenium and I am trying to upload a file using WebDriver. Here I am trying to click browse button using dom element as follows:


But since the approach did not work am trying to hit browse button using WebDriver element as below: How can i change my dom element to xpath or css selector as below?


I cant write xpath as

selenium.click("xpath="//input[@name='uplaod' and @value='browsebutton']");

since i have multiple browse buttons with same name and value.. So i need to pick using dom element itself. How do i do it?

Thanks in advance for help.

Dominik i have tried using the below xpath since there is no name attribute:But not working

String upload="(//input[@name='bulkUnBlockUploadForm' and @value='requestFile'])[2]";
String button="(//input[@name='bulkUnBlockUploadForm' and @value='process'])[2]";

I tried using id as well:Not working

   String upload="(//input[@id='content' and @value='requestFile'])[1]";
    String button="(//input[@id='content' and @value='process'])[1]";

The issue is in my jsp,i have 2 browse buttons s with same id and same value,but different form.I have 2 submit buttons for each of browse buttons with same id and same value,but different forms.So when am using the above approaches its hitting both the submit buttons

This can upload a file, it is work for me.

public static void main(String[] args) 
     WebDriver  driver = new FirefoxDriver();
     try {
        } catch (Exception e) {}

If you have two buttons with equal attributes, then either rename them to be better accessible (for example by giving them a unique id) or try to change your XPath statement to something like this:

String uploadButton1 = "(//input[@name='upload' and @value='browsebutton'])[1]";
String uploadButton2 = "(//input[@name='upload' and @value='browsebutton'])[2]";

hi when iam beginner i also find a same issue someone told me you cant handle windows controls so use third party application such autoit , iam using autoit.

    1. download autoit.
    2. no need of any jars just add Runtime,getruntime().execute('path of exe');in your code
    3.code of file upload is below

Local $hWnd=WinWait("[CLASS:#32770]","",10)
ControlSetText($hWnd, "", "Edit1", "path of file to upload")
ControlClick($hWnd, "","Button1");

4 run your java application still if you find query ask me.

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