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Unable to reference all Model objects in MVC View

I have an odd problem whereby the model in my vbhtml file will correctly reference and bring up the model's attributes for 1 item but not for another. FYI, The page is added as a partial page, connected to another vbhtml page.

My page is structured such that I want to list a number of people (beneficiaries), below each question (question text).

I am referencing my Model type using the syntax: @ModelType RHEAL_START.QuestionWithAnswers, so this should automatically allow the model items to be declared when instantiated.

The @ModelType declaration correctly allows the referencing of the 2nd model field (Model.benAnswers) but not the first one I have declared (Model.questionText).

Both items are part of the same model and, I have tried moving the declarations above and below the and headers but, this did not bring up an IntelliSense for the Model.questionText.

I looked at the following post and tried addding in a reference to the Layout file but alas, this did not bring up an IntelliSense either. MVC3 - render view that is not a method in a controller

See the code below. Can anyone suggest where I'm going wrong and what else I can try? If you need more information, please let me know.

@ModelType RHEAL_START.QuestionWithAnswers
    Layout = "~/Views/MedicalQuestions/MedicalQuestions.vbhtml"
End Code
    <div id="questionPanel">
            Dim qAndARef As Integer = 0
        End Code

            <!-- Show question text and number -->
            <h1><a href="#">Model.questionText</a></h1>


                    <td style="font-weight: bold">
                        Beneficiary </td>
                    <td style="font-weight: bold">
                        Yes/No </td>
                    <td style="font-weight: bold">
                        Details </td>

                <!-- !!Iterating over each beneficiary for Medical Question -->

                @For Each benanswer As RHEAL_START.BeneficiaryAnswer In Model.benAnswers

                Html.Partial("../MedicalQuestions/BeneficiaryAnswerPartial", benanswer)




@Section Scripts
End Section


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