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Why is branching is locking a project build for copying .DLL file?

I have a MAIN solution which holds a host of projects - the whole solution is building fine. So, I go ahead and take a branch of the MAIN to a new branch called DEVELOPMENT , now there is a single project in there which for some reason is now displaying the error message:

Unable to copy file "obj\\x86\\Debug\\Delta.PDF.dll" to "bin\\x86\\Debug\\Delta.PDF.dll". Access to the path 'bin\\x86\\Debug\\Delta.PDF.dll' is denied.

Which for the life of me I can't understand seeing as all I have done is a TFS branch - Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for this

Unable to copy a file from obj\\Debug to bin\\Debug

From the above answer I thought I could of locked a process of some sorts so I logged off my machine but it's still there. The branch is in the same parent directory as main just in a different sub-folder. Any suggestions?


I had been trying to clean the solution in order to do what Jacooobley said (clear the debug) but this was for some reason keeping my .DLL in there, a manual delete did the trick.


Use Process Explorer from Sysinternals to find which process has locked this file - use the Find menu to search for Delta.PDF.dll; this should give you a clue as to why the file is locked and what you can do about it (eg, exit the locking process).

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