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Slowness in Eclipse Juno (4.2)

I've had some issues with slowness switching tabs in Eclipse 4.2 Juno and was hoping someone might have some answers. The original delay was about 10 seconds which dropped to 2-4 once I specified the java vm in the eclipse.ini file, but that's still slower than I think it should be. I've uninstalled all the addons that I thought might be offending and listed the active ones below and I believe the system to be more than adequate, but listed the specs anyway. Thanks for any help you could give me.

Windows 7x64
1.73 Ghz i7

Eclipse Addons:
Eclipse Color Themes
PHP Development Tools (PDT)


C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe  

You can install the Eclipse UI Juno SR1 Optimizations patch by following the instructions on this link, provided you are using Eclipse Juno SR1 release and are facing this slowness problem: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Platform_UI/Juno_Performance_Investigation

Since the content on the above link has been updated, it does not provide the patch download part anymore. So for anyone else looking for the download details, all you need to do is install the Juno SR1 Patches--Eclipse UI Juno SR1 Optimization from the update site: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.2 -using the process of Help menu -> Install New Software

There are some known issues with UI performance in Juno. See the lengthy discussion at https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=385272

The Juno Service Release 2 (SR2) has been released and it addresses many of the UI performance problems.

Change the java memory heap size. Look at the -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m and change like for 1024m. There you go a link: http://www.jguru.com/faq/view.jsp?EID=424214


all together gave my Juno a big speed boost :)

I had the same problem, I upgraded to Eclipse Juno 4.2.2 and my system: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 2.83Ghz 8,00 GB RAM Windows 7 Ultimate x64. I also use GIT .

When I pressed the right mouse button on my project it took a lot of time (~ 40s) before I could do anything.

That was until I ran "git gc" on my Linux server (different system) with the following result:

  • Counting objects: 6454, done.
  • Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
  • Compressing objects: 100% (5983/5983), done.
  • Writing objects: 100% (6454/6454), done.
  • Total 6454 (delta 1785), reused 0 (delta 0).

After that I refreshed my project and since then the right mouse button action response is instant.

I hope this helps anyone, I just had to share this with you.

My Eclipse ini:


I could not update my eclipse with the maintenance build, but I have found an unofficial patch in the eclipse issue tracker, which made my eclipse a lot faster. See this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13470794/337621

安装4.3M4 - 他们在那里取得了显着的速度提升,现在我终于从3.8开始了切换:)

I have had my Eclipse Juno extremely slow when there were lots of Java projects imported into it (I am talking around 45-50). What I ended up doing is:

  1. Created "Working Set"s to divide the projects according to "Components".
  2. Use the "Working Set"s to determine which Java projects were not needed to be "Open".
  3. Close the unnecessary projects.

The end result is that Eclipse is as fast and snappy as it should be. Performance is close to that of 3.8.

Additionally, in the "Package Explorer" view within Java or Debug perspectives, I set the "Top Level Elements" to be "Working Sets" in order to have a more clear picture of where I am coding within my application.

This way search results and "Find type/Find Resource" results are snappier as well.

My eclipse was very slow when I tried and switch between tabs (time is around 2-3 seconds). I modified my eclipse.ini this way and it does not happen anymore (my RAM is 2GB):



Upgrading to Eclipse 4.3 gave me a huge performance boost.

Seems like they fixed a lot of performance bugs in the new release.

打开Eclipse,转到Windows> Close All Perspective然后确认并让Eclipse重新启动。

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