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HTML : How to specify PDF open parameters for Chrome native PDF reader?

I am displaying some PDF documents in my web site like this :

<object id="pdfviewer1" data='b.pdf#page=1&toolbar=0&statusbar=0&messages=0&navpanes=0&scrollbar=0' 
    <p>It appears you don't have a PDF plugin for this browser.</p>

Because of native PDF reader on Chrome, all openParams options are ignored because they are specifics for Adobe Reader.

Is it possible to specify PDF open parameters for Chrome native PDF reader?

I am just quoting @Robotsushi answer he has written in his topic for closing the question :

After checking various chrome bug reports, I can confirm that google chrome ignores the defualt functionality of adobe pdf viewer and at the time of this answer there is no way to passing parameters like zoom to the pdf viewer in chrome. I hope this saves someone else some time.

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