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Get all subfolders without using pre-built .net objects

I am trying to get a list of all the folders in the c:\\Users\\UserName directory of my W7 machine.

The issue I have when I use Directory.GetDirectories() or Directory.GetFiles() is that I often get exceptions that "access to the path is denied". I have ran VS in administrator mode and had no luck. The reason why is explained in my C# - Cannot access all files

I would like to know how to get the names of all subfolders (regardless of whether there are any files in the folder or not) where the subfolders could be N deep (so, undetermined number of subfolders) and store them as a List. This way, via a foreach loop, I can check on a folder by folder basis against certain logic to ensure I have access and that I want access!

The following code only looks at 1 level deep:

 private List<string> GetAllFolders()
     DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(this.sourceFolder);
     List<string> allFolders = new List<string>();

     foreach (DirectoryInfo subDirectoryInfo in directoryInfo.GetDirectories())
     return allFolders;

Is there a pattern I can use for this, or does any one have an example or a suggestion on how to proceed?

You are almost there.

private List<string> GetAllFolders()
    DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(this.sourceFolder);
    List<string> allFolders = new List<string>();

    foreach (DirectoryInfo subDirectoryInfo in directoryInfo.GetDirectories(("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
    return allFolders;

Regarding access rights, you might not be able to access to the end of every folder, but I think that happens with certain special folders, something you have to handle yourself somehow. Otherwise this works fine.

Additionally see this: Best way to iterate folders and subfolders

I didn't run this code but you have to recursively iterate over the folders. I added no exception handling, except for 'catch and continue'

private List<string> GetAllFolders()
   var allFolders = new List<string>();
   return GetAllFolders(this.sourceFolder);  

// recursively list all folders, catch and continue in case of errors
private List<string> GetAllFolders(string folder)
     DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(folder);
     List<string> allFolders = new List<string>();

     foreach (DirectoryInfo subDirectoryInfo in directoryInfo.GetDirectories())
         try {
        catch (Exception exp)
          // log rrors
          Debug.WriteLine(" exception for " + 
                              subDirectoryInfo.FullName + " : " + 
            return allFolders;
public void GetFolderList()
    var list = new List<string>();
    var root = new DirectoryInfo("c:\\");
    GetFoldersRecursive(root, list);

private static void GetFoldersRecursive(DirectoryInfo root, List<string> list)
    DirectoryInfo[] children;
        children = root.GetDirectories();
    catch(UnauthorizedAccessException t)
        // access denied

    foreach (var d in children)
        GetFoldersRecursive(d, list);

If you prefer to use a more sophisticated permission check (than catching exceptions) I suggest to have a look here

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