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ant build fails with Basedir error in windows platform

I am trying to set up my project on my laptop which runs on windows 7. I am not able to build the project, it throws an error

C:\Projects\apsrtc-oprs\src\build.xml:118: Basedir C:\Projects\apsrtc-oprs\src\Projectsapsrtc-oprs\src\components does not exist

My build.properties

# For developers/PC pls update the project.base and deploy.dir accordingly in the build.properties file
# Donot Modify or change the build.properties.console file, use the template file instead...
# To avoid ant quirks, the project.base here must be a full absolute path


# Deployment directory
deploy.dir=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps

# Log files

My build.xml

<project name="APSRTC_project" default="build" basedir=".">

    <!-- Read the system environment variables and stores them in properties, -->
    <!-- prefixed with "env.". -->
    <property environment="env."/>

    <!-- define all settings for different kinds of builds -->

    <!-- setup targets to options -->
    <target name="--init">
        <tstamp />
        <copy file="build.properties.console" tofile="build.properties" overwrite="false"/>

        <!-- The build.properties file defines the project base and easuite-lib directories -->
        <!-- This must be loaded before the &set-properties; inclusion -->
        <property file="./build.properties"/>
        <echoproperties prefix="env." destfile="env.properties"/>

    <!-- invokes build script to clean apps and components  -->
    <target name="clean" depends="--init">
        <!-- set the properties based on the build flags -->

        <ant dir="${project.base}/src/components" target="clean"/>
        <ant dir="${project.base}/src/apps" target="clean"/>

I am trying to clean the project and gets the above mentioned error at

 <ant dir="${project.base}/src/components" target="clean"/>

by changing the path of Basedir and other related paths in build.properties file works fine on my Centos Operating system. Where exactly i am going wrong ?


The value 'C:\\Projects\\apsrtc-oprs\\src\\Projectsapsrtc-oprs\\src\\components' seems to be a result of ${project.base}/src/components . Please check if you are sourcing the build.properties file.

Looking at the naming convention, it looks like a '/' is needed in Projectsapsrtc-oprs , so it becomes Projects/apsrtc-oprs

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