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Passing parameters to Javascript from jsp

I have a javascript function that I need to call on click of the delete button -


function test(var1) {

JSP code ( logs is an ArrayList of length 10):

for(int i=0; i<len; i++)
    <td><%out.println(logs[i].getItemDesc()); %></td>
    <td> <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Delete" onclick="test(<%logs[i].getItemName();%>);"/></td>


This will print the output as -

Name1        Description1       Delete_Button

Name2        Description2       Delete_Button



Name10        Description10     Delete_Button

I am not getting how to send the correct itemname value to the JavaScript, when I click on a corresponding row's delete button. Currently I am getting the value as undefined in the JavaScript alert when I click any of the delete buttons.


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