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Fluent NHibernate and HasMany mapping

I have following problem using fluent nhibernate and HasMany. I've search through google and SO for similar problem but any of solutions I've found does not solve my problem.

I have following entites mapped (I omitted most properties for clarity):


public class PaymentSchedule
    public virtual BinaryId Id { get; set; }

    public virtual IList<PaymentToSchedule> Payments { get; set; }


  public class PaymentToSchedule
    public virtual BinaryId Id { get; set; }        

    public virtual PaymentSchedule PaymentSchedule { get; set; }

Mapping files


public class PaymentScheduleMap : ClassMap<PaymentSchedule>
    public PaymentScheduleMap()
        Id(x => x.Id, "A_Payment_Schedule_Id").CrmId();
        HasMany<PaymentToSchedule>(x => x.Payments).Table("A_Payment_To_Schedule").KeyColumns.Add("A_Payment_Schedule_Id").Fetch.Select();


public class PaymentToScheduleMap : ClassMap<PaymentToSchedule>
    public PaymentToScheduleMap()
        Id(x => x.Id, "A_Payment_To_Schedule_Id").CrmId();            
        References(x => x.PaymentSchedule, "A_Payment_Schedule_Id");            

Basically I want to fetch list of PaymentToSchedule entites when loading PaymentSchedule object. Now, to do this, I must use such queries:

var paymentSchedules = dataAccess.Session.QueryOver<PaymentSchedule>().List(); 

and for each of the payment schedule

 var paymentToSchedule = (from pts in dataAccess.Session.Query<PaymentToSchedule>()
                                                where pts.PaymentSchedule.Id == ps.Id).

This works fine, but is there a way to fetch list of PaymentToSchedule entites while querying PaymentSchedule?

var paymentSchedules = dataAccess.Session.QueryOver<PaymentSchedule>()
    .Fetch(x => x.Payments).Eager;

// payments are already initialised, you can safly do
var allPayments = paymentSchedules.SelectMany(ps => ps.Payments).ToList();

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