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Error: /login.xhtml Not Found in ExternalContext as a Resource

I'm using JBoss 7.1 with JSF 2.1/Prime Faces and keep running into the error listed in the title. I've tried many of the suggestions made here and all end up with the same error.

File structure is:


I have the following in web.xml:

    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

I am accessing the file currently using the following URL:


I have also changed the URL pattern to *.xhtml and used:


with the same result.

What am I missing?

You made 2 mistakes.

  1. /WEB-INF folder is for configuration files, include files, template files, tag files, etc, which are supposed to be hidden from direct access, not for publicly accessible files. Put publicly accessible files outside /WEB-INF folder.

  2. /faces folder should not be used at all. A virtual /faces/* URL pattern on FacesServlet doesn't imply that you should have a physical folder like that. Remove it.

So, all with all, just

 |-- WEB-INF
 |    |-- faces-config.xml
 |    `-- web.xml
 `-- login.xhtml


    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>



should do.

See also:

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