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How to edit generated java classes from xsd

I am using maven-jaxb2-plugin to create java classes from xsd. In xsd I have defined two status: Status1 and Status2. This two classes has a lot of similar variables. Because I cant edit xsd is there a option to create class Status in my project and then add change generated class to extend this class?



Class Status1 {...}

Class Status2 {...}
  • this is generated by maven-jaxb2-plugin

What I want:

Class Status1 extends Status {...}

Class Status2 extends Status {...}
  • this is generated by maven-jaxb2-plugin

Class Status {...} - my own class

I hope this can be done by bindings but I dont know how


second option how to achieve this question is to add to class Status1 new variable. Is this possible ?

What I want:

Class Status1 {... NewVariable newVariable ...}

Class Status2 {...}
  • this is generated by maven-jaxb2-plugin

ok I found it: I use extend:

<jaxb:bindings xmlns:jaxb="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
    jaxb:version="2.1" xmlns:inheritance="http://jaxb2-commons.dev.java.net/basic/inheritance"
    <jaxb:bindings schemaLocation="mySchema.xsd">
        <jaxb:bindings node="xsd:complexType[@name='StatusType']">

and in JAXB2 plugin I need to add:


For the first part of the question see Specifying Super Class of a JAXB-Generated Class .

For the second part see Generate additional custom method with jaxb-xjc . It's about adding custom methods. But custom fields handling should be similar.

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