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Smarty concat and use as a variable

In PHP file I am running a loop and within it I am assigning a variable for smarty.


foreach($pindata as $Idx => $Val)
    $pinId = $Val['id'];
    $sql = mysql_query("select count(userID) as users from pinrest_supporters where pin_id = $pinId;");
    $contributorsSql = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
    $contributors = $contributorsSql['users'];
    $smarty->assign("contributors$pinId", $contributors);


So the values assigned in smarty are contributors1038 , contributors1039 and so onnn.

Now my problem is that I want to use these assigned variables in smarty dynamically.

In smarty template file if I write {$contributors1038} then I get a correct output as 9. But I want to use it dynamically. 1038 is the ID, and I have that in my template. If I try to concat the two different variables and expecting the result, I am failed :P

I tried this:

{assign var='contri' value="contributors"|cat:$results[res].id}

But the above variable {$contri} gives me result as contributors1038

I want to make a new variable by joining two different variable, but this makes it as string. So can anyone help me?



Ok I am exhausted trying different solutions, so finally I am doing this to achieve my target.

Instead of below code PHP

$contributors = $contributorsSql['users'];
$smarty->assign("contributors$pinId", $contributors);

I made the smarty variable an array


$contributors[$pinId] = $contributorsSql['users'];
$smarty->assign("contributors", $contributors);

And in smarty I am calling it as



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