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Custom Metadatafield in Document and Web content in Liferay

I want a metadata field getting values from database record. This metadata field should be added to document.

Can anyone provide a solution to my requirement.??

I presume you are using Liferay 6.1.

Web Content Structures

As for Web Content, you could programmatically create a JournalStructure (see JournalStuctureLocalServiceUtil ) and populate the list of possible values for your structure field with values coming out of the database. You can put this "import code" inside a batch job, so your structure field and the values inside the external database are always in sync.

Document Metadata

How to do this with Metadata Sets is probably more interesting, as not only Dynamic Data Lists and Documents & Media use this in Liferay 6.1; as of 6.2, Web Content structures will utilize the same metadata API in favor of the old Journal API.

For this to implement, check out the xsd column of the DDMStructure table. It has more or less the same format as the XML for a JournalStructure , however there are more options available. Use DDMStructureLocalServiceUtil#addStructure to add such a new structure. Again, run this inside a batch so you always have the latest external DB values.

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