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Opening multiple tabs in a browser

I want to open 10 tabs of browsers from c# code, how could I do that?

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    foreach (var url in Getdata())
        string URL = string.Format("http://www.websitename.com/member_id={0}", url.Replace("Member", ""));

public List<string> Getdata()
    List<string> Key = new List<string>();
    return Key;

Also suggest how to write jQuery / Javascript code for this (I could create arraylist in jQuery and read one by one)

This will do the job:

    /// <summary>
    /// Opens new window
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="page"></param>
    /// <param name="fullUrl"></param>
    public static void OpenNewWindow(System.Web.UI.Page page, string fullUrl, string key)
        string script = "window.open('" + fullUrl + "', '" + key + "', 'status=1,location=1,menubar=1,resizable=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,titlebar=1');";
        page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(page.GetType(), key, script, true);

From your current page you should call something like this:


Make sure your page contains ScriptManager and key is uniqe on every call!

So in your code:

int i=0;
string key = "Opener";
foreach (var url in Getdata())
     i +=1;
     string URL = string.Format("http://www.websitename.com/member_id={0}", url.Replace("Member", ""));
     OpenNewWindow(this,URL , key + i.ToString());

You cannot do this from server side code. what you can do is give the client a list of urls to open and then, let the client open new windows for each url. this could prove a little tricky since browsers my block you as windows spammer.

you can use Process.Start(websiteUrl );

Process BrowserProcess = new Process();

like this:

ProcessStartInfo psiOjbect = new ProcessStartInfo("http://DefaultWebsiteOfmyCompany.com"); // You can also use "about:blank".

            BrowserProcess.StartInfo = psiOjbect;
            Thread.Sleep(1000); //Need to wait 

            foreach (string websiteUrl in Properties.Settings.Default.WebSiteURLs)
                Process.Start(websiteUrl );

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