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page looks different on mac Firefox vs pc Firefox

A sign up page on my site is giving me trouble this evening. It shows up fine in all of my macbook pro's browsers(FF, Chrome, Safari), but when I view it in FF on a PC it seems the page somehow breaks- the horizontal layout becomes vertical. Any ideas why this may be?

Viewed in FF on macbook pro- 在此处输入图片说明

Viewed in FF on pc- 在此处输入图片说明

If this site is online maybe you could post a link to it, also it would be useful if you could post the html and css. I'd put the left hand content and right hand content in 2 divs with say the left div 40% and the right 50% then float the left div left and the right div right. Alternately you can absolute position the divs.

Please try to remove position:absloute; for left and right div's. it will work. position is not required any way your make float left and right for two div's with proper width so position is not required.

Yes because of position:absoulte; only the problem occurred. try to remove position.

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