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How to fire event if model property changes

I developing application using backround processes and MVP pattern. Can I store states of processes (isCanceled, isStarted or isPaused) in ModelProcess (Model) like this:

public event EventHandler CancelChanged;
  bool isCanceled = false;
    public bool IsCanceled
        get { return isCanceled; }
            isCanceled = value;
            if (isCanceled)
                if (CancelChanged != null)
                    CancelChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);

Your setter will only call CancelChanged if isCanceled is being set to true , no matter if it has been false before. The following code will check if there is an actual change of the value, wich makes it idempotent.

    if (value != isCanceled)
        isCanceled = value;
        if (CancelChanged != null)
            CancelChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);

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