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Can't Add Model to List

I perform the following for each loop to insert models into a list:

        Dim weights = weight.Where(Function(x) x.FW_Food_ID = item.NDB_No)

        For Each i In weights
            Dim model = New Tbl_Food_Weight
            model.FW_GmWt = i.FW_GmWt
            Debug.Print("i.FW_GmWt=" + i.FW_GmWt)
            Debug.Print("model.FW_GmWt=" + model.FW_GmWt)
            model.FW_Food_ID = i.FW_Food_ID
            Debug.Print("i.FW_Food_ID=" + i.FW_Food_ID)
            Debug.Print("model.FW_Food_ID=" + model.FW_Food_ID)
            model.FW_Option = i.FW_Option
            Debug.Print("i.FW_Option=" + i.FW_Option)
            Debug.Print("model.FW_Option=" + model.FW_Option)
            model.FW_ID = i.FW_ID
            Debug.Print("i.FW_ID=" + i.FW_ID.ToString)
            Debug.Print("model.FW_ID=" + model.FW_ID.ToString)

My model is as follows:

Public Class Tbl_Food_Weight

    <Key()> _
    Public Property FW_ID As Integer
    Public Property FW_Food_ID As String
    Public Property FW_Option As String
    Public Property FW_Serving_Size As String
    Public Property FW_GmWt As String

End Class

My test property is as follows:

<NotMapped()> _
Public Overridable Property test As List(Of Tbl_Food_Weight)

The output that I get is:

A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in MyBlog.DLL

The error occurs on this line:


You see, it puts in the variables, but when I go to add the model to the list, it says it's null. How can I add the model to the list of models?

Thank you.


Item in context:

For Each item In food

            Dim weights = weight.Where(Function(x) x.FW_Food_ID = item.NDB_No)
            ... rest of code already posted above

model isn't null -- your test property is. In the constructor of whatever item is, you need to "new" your collection.

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