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Can I emulate a callback function from jquery removeClass?

I'm trying to execute these removeClass calls in succession. There doesn't seem to be a call back function using removeClass so is there another way to emulate this?


  //wait for card1 flip to finish and then flip 2

  //wait for card2 flip to finish and then flip 3

It seems that you're using CSS3 transition for doing this. The easiest way to do this is to set delay manually:


   //wait for card1 flip to finish and then flip 2
}, 500);

   //wait for card2 flip to finish and then flip 3
}, 1000);

There's no built in jQuery method to check that css transition is complete.

Old Tread but Goolge now him ;-)

jQueries UI has a extend Function for removeClass.

<div class="big-blue"></div>
$( "div" ).click(function() {
  $( this ).removeClass( "big-blue", 1000, "easeInBack", function(){
      // do fancy stuff after animation is completed

jQuery-UI Doc: http://api.jqueryui.com/removeclass/

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