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Anchor <a> to Another Page Using Relative Paths - PHP

I have an HTML page that has several anchors on it:

<h4>Anchor 1</h4><a name="anchor1"></a>
<p>blah blah</p>
<h4>Anchor 2</h4><a name="anchor2"></a>
<p>blah blah</p>
<h4>Anchor 3</h4><a name="anchor3"></a>
<p>blah blah</p>

Then, I have a PHP array to relative paths:

$anchor_array = array(
    'site/path/#anchor1' => 'Anchor 1',
    'site/path/#anchor2' => 'Anchor 2',
    'site/path/#anchor3' => 'Anchor 3',

Each site/path/ has an index.php file inside so using .htaccess I'm able to use a link like this:


This works fine, but when I add the anchor to it (eg, site/path/#anchor1 ) I get sent to the correct page, but not to the anchor location, just to the top of page.

What am I missing?

** EDIT **

After taking Salman A's advice, I was able to get 2/3 anchors to work properly. But one was still causing me trouble. I thought, perhaps, the browser is confusing the anchor name I have specified with something else. So I did a test and changed the anchor from anchor1 to the_anchor1 (actually, I changed it from history to our-history ) and it works now.

Is there a reason using history as anchor name is bad?


  1. result looks like this: http://localhost/site/path/#anchor1/
  2. viewing source results in this:

You have a trailing slash in the hash portion of your URL. The browser will look for a named anchor with name=anchor1/ (or id=anchor1/ ) which is not there obviously. Locate where the trailing slash is coming from and remove it.

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