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Parse xml to CLR type using Linq

I have following xml structure and I want to convert this xml into CLR object,but I am stuck.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SymbolData xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
    <document id="1" 
              documentType="5a869d0b-6611-11d3-bd2a-0000f80849bd" />    
    <document id="2" 
              documentType="5a869d0b-6611-11d3-bd2a-0000f80849bd" />        
  <method name="Microsoft.Advertiser.CampaignManagement.BusinessRules.AdExtensionValidators.AdExtensionValidationBatchErrors::.ctor" 
      <seqPoint ilOffset="0" sourceId="1" startRow="10" startColumn="9" endRow="10" endColumn="106" />
      <seqPoint ilOffset="11" sourceId="1" startRow="12" startColumn="9" endRow="12" endColumn="136" />
      <seqPoint ilOffset="22" sourceId="1" startRow="14" startColumn="9" endRow="14" endColumn="181" />
      <seqPoint ilOffset="33" sourceId="1" hidden="true" startRow="16707566" startColumn="0" endRow="16707566" endColumn="0" />
    <rootScope implicit="true" startOffset="0" endOffset="40">
      <scope startOffset="0" endOffset="40" isReconstructedDueToDiasymreaderBug="true" />
    <symAttributes />
    <csharpCustomDebugInfo version="4">
        <usingForward version="4" tokenToForwardTo="0x6000001" />
  <method name="Microsoft.Advertiser.CampaignManagement.BusinessRules.AdExtensionValidators.AdExtensionValidationError::ToString" token="0x600000f">
      <seqPoint ilOffset="0" sourceId="2" startRow="167" startColumn="13" endRow="167" endColumn="110" />
    <rootScope implicit="true" startOffset="0" endOffset="33">
      <scope startOffset="0" endOffset="33" isReconstructedDueToDiasymreaderBug="true" />
    <symAttributes />
    <csharpCustomDebugInfo version="4">
        <usingForward version="4" tokenToForwardTo="0x600000d" />


I have written following code to achive the same,but I am not able to query method section . For example,I want to load all methods where documentID and SourceID is same.

public class ClassDetails
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
    public class AssemblyDetails
        public string DllName { get; set; }
        public List<ClassDetails> Classes { get; set; }
        public List<string> Methods { get; set; }
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var document = XDocument.Load("test11.xml");
            var query = from descendantNode in document.Descendants("sourceFiles")
                        select new AssemblyDetails()
                            DllName = document.Root.Attribute("assembly").Value,
                            Classes = (from x in document.Descendants("document")
                                      select new ClassDetails
                            Methods = (from y in document.Descendants("method").Elements("seqPoint")
                                     where y.Attribute("sourceId").Value=="documentID"
                                     select y.Document.Root.Attribute("name").Value).ToList()

            int i=10;
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(path_to_xml);
var documentIds = xdoc.Descendants("document")
                      .Select(d => (int)d.Attribute("id"));

var methodNames = xdoc
    .Where(m => m.Descendants("seqPoint")
                 .Any(sp => documentIds.Contains((int)sp.Attribute("sourceId"))))
    .Select(m => (string)m.Attribute("name"));

First query gets all document ids.

Second query gets method names of methods, which have at least one seqPoint with sourceId of specified documents.

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